
Reach Out has produced 22 books in 13 languages. For a list of translated resources, choose a language from the options below. Contact Reach Out to obtain the resources in these translations at


Visit our "Free Downloads" page to download the following books.

  • Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry
    خدمة الشباب التي تركز على يسوع
  • Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry Forum PowerPoint
    خدمة الشباب التي تركز على يسوع PowerPoint
  • Moving Toward Maturity Series (7 Books)
    التحرك نحو النضج
    • Getting Started
    • Following Jesus
      يتبع يسوع
    • Spending Time Alone with God
      قضاء الوقت وحده مع الله
    • Making Jesus Lord
      جعل يسوع رباً
    • Giving Away Your Faith
      نقل إيمانك
    • Influencing Your World
      التأثير على عالمك
    • Time Alone with God Notebook
      الوقت وحده مع الله الدفتري
  • Building Leaders Series (3 Books)
    بناء القادة
    • A Personal Walk with Jesus Christ
      نزهة شخصية مع يسوع المسيح
    • A Vision for Life and Ministry
      رؤية للحياة والخدمة
    • Essential Tools for Leading Students
      أدوات أساسية لجعل الطلاب

Visit our "Free Downloads" page to download the following books.

  • Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry
    Հիսուսը կենտրոնացրեց երիտասարդության ծառայությունը
  • Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry Forum PowerPoint
    Հիսուսը կենտրոնացրեց երիտասարդության ծառայությունը PowerPoint

Visit our "Free Downloads" page to download the following books.

  • Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry
    যিশু যুব মন্ত্রককে কেন্দ্র করে
  • Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry Forum PowerPoint
    যিশু যুব মন্ত্রককে কেন্দ্র করে Power Point
    Building Leaders Series
    যিশু যুব মন্ত্রককে কেন্দ্র করে
    • A Personal Walk with Jesus Christ
      যিশুখ্রিষ্টের সাথে ব্যক্তিগত হাঁটাচলা
    • A Vision for Life and Ministry 
      জীবন ও মন্ত্রণালয়ের জন্য একটি দৃষ্টিভঙ্গি  
  • Moving Toward Maturity Series
    পরিপক্কতা সিরিজের দিকে সরানো
    • Following Jesus
      যিশুর অনুসরণ
    • Spending Time Alone with God
      আল্লাহর সাথে একা সময় কাটানোর
    • Getting Started 
      শুরু হচ্ছে

Visit our "Free Downloads" page to download the following books.

  • Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry
    وزارت جوانان متمرکز بر عیسی
  • Jesus-Focused Youth ministry Forum PowerPoint
    وزارت جوانان متمرکز بر عیسی Power Point
  • Moving Toward Maturity Series
    حرکت به سمت بلوغ
    • Following Jesus
      به دنبال عیسی
    • Getting Started
      شروع شدن

  • Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry
    Un Ministere de Jeunesse Centre Sur Jesus
  • Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry Forum PowerPoint
  • Building Leaders Series (3 Books)
    • A Personal Walk with Jesus Christ
      Marcher Avec Jesus-Christ
    • A Vision for Life and Ministry
      Saisir la Vision
    • Essential Tools for Leading Students
      Devenir un Leader
  • Moving Toward Maturity Series (7 Books)
    • Leaders’ Guide
      Guide du Leader
    • Getting Started
      Partir Du Bon Pied
    • Following Jesus
      A la suite de Jésus
    • Spending Time Alone with God
      Découvrir L'Intimité avec Dieu
    • Making Jesus Lord
      Faire de Jésus Son Seigneur
    • Giving Away Your Faith
      Partager sa Foi
    • Influencing Your World
      Marquer son Entourage


Visit our "Free Downloads" page to download the following books.

  • Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry
    Jesus im Fokus
  • Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry Forum PowerPoint
    Jesus im Fokus PowerPoint
  • Building Leaders Series (3 Books in 1)
    Mitarbeiter mit Herz
    • A Personal Walk with Jesus Christ
    • A Vision for Life and Ministry
    • Essential Tools for Leading Students
  • Moving Toward Maturity Series (7 Books)
    • Leaders’ Guide
    • Getting Started
      Jesus Starter Kit
    • Following Jesus
      Jesus nachfolgen
    • Spending Time Alone with God
      Zeit allein mit Gott verbringen    
    • Making Jesus Lord
      Jesus zum Herrn machen  
    • Giving Away Your Faith
      Deinen Glauben verschenken    
    • Influencing Your World
      Beeinflussen Sie Ihre Welt  
  • Jesus No Equal
    Meet Jesus!
  • Ignite the Fire (For Parents)
    Entzünde das Feuer (Für Eltern)

Visit our "Free Downloads" page to download the following books.

  • Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry
    यीशु-केत युवा सेवकाई

Visit our "Free Downloads" page to download the following books.

  • Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry
    Yesu yibanze ku murimo w'urubyiruko

Visit our "Free Downloads" page to download the following books.

  • Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry
    येशू युवा मंत्रालय केन्द्रित
  • Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry Forum PowerPoint
    येशू युवा मंत्रालय केन्द्रित PowerPoint
  • Building Leaders Series (3 Books)
    बिल्डिंग लीडर श्रृंखला
    • A Personal Walk with Jesus Christ
      येशू ख्रीष्टको साथ व्यक्तिगत हिंड्न
    • A Vision for Life and Ministry
      जीवन र सेवकाई लागि विजन
    • Essential Tools for Leading Students
      अग्रणी विद्यार्थीहरूको लागि आवश्यक उपकरणहरू
  • Moving Toward Maturity Series
    परिपक्वता तर्फ सर्दै
    • Following Jesus
      येशूलाई पछ्याउँदै
    • Spending Time Alone with God
      परमेश्वरसँग एक्लै समय बिताउनु
    • Leaders’ Guide – Short Version
      नेताको गाइड - छोटो संस्करण

Visit our "Free Downloads" page to download the following books.

  • Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry Forum PowerPoint
    Ministério Juvenil Focado em Jesus Power Point

Visit our "Free Downloads" page to download the following books.

  • Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry
    Ministerul Tineretului orientat către Isus
  • Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry CDs
    Ministerul Tineretului orientat către Isus CDs
  • Building Leaders Series (3 Books)
    Construirea liderilor
    • A Personal Walk with Jesus
      O plimbare personală cu Isus
    • A Vision for Life and Ministry
      O viziune pentru viață și minister
    • Essential Tools for Leading Students
      Instrumente esențiale pentru studenții de frunte
  • Moving Toward Maturity Series (6 Books) Seria Mergând spre maturitate
    • Getting Started
      Noțiuni de bază
    • Following Jesus
      Urmarea lui Isus
    • Spending Time Alone with God
      Petrecerea timpului singur cu Dumnezeu
    • Making Jesus Lord
      Îl face pe Isus Domn
    • Giving Away Your Faith
      Dăruindu-ți credința
    • Influencing Your World
      Influențarea Lumea ta

  • Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry
    Молодежное служение, ориентированное на Иисуса
  • Building Leaders Series (3 Books)
    Серия "Строительные лидеры"
    • A Personal Walk with Jesus Christ
      Личная прогулка с Иисусом Христом
    • A Vision for Life and Ministry
      Видение жизни и служения
    • Essential Tools for Leading Students
      Основные инструменты для ведущих студентов
  • Moving Toward Maturity Series (7 books)
    Движение к зрелости
    • Leaders’ guide
      Руководство лидера
    • Getting Started
    • Following Jesus
      Следуя за Иисусом
    • Spending Time Alone with God
      Проводить время наедине с Богом
    • Making Jesus Lord
      Делая Иисуса Господом
    • Giving Away Your Faith
      Отдавая свою веру
    • Influencing Your World
      Влияя на ваш мир
  • Jesus No Equal
    Иисус не равный
  • Magnet Effect
    Магнитный эффект
  • Parent Fuel
    Родительский огонь

Visit our "Free Downloads" page to download the following books.

  • Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry
    Ministerio Cristo Centrico Para Jovenes
  • Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry CDs
    Ministerio Cristo Centrico Para Jovenes CDs
  • Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry Forum PowerPoint
    Ministerio Cristo Centrico Para Jovenes PowerPoint
  • Jesus No Equal
    Un Jesus Sin Igual
  • Jesus No Equal Journal
    Un Jesus Sin Igual: Diario
  • Moving Toward Maturity Series
    • Getting Started
      En Sus Marcas! Listos!
    • Following Jesus
      Siguiendo a Jesus
    • Spending Time Alone with God
      Pasando Tiempo a Solas con Dios
    • Making Jesus Lord
      Haciendo a Jesus Senor
    • Giving Away Your Faith
      Compartiendo tu Fe
    • Influencing Your World
      Influyendo en Tu Mundo

Please visit our "Free Downloads" page to download the following book.

  • Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry
    Huduma ya Vijana iliyolenga Yesu

Please visit our "Free Downloads" page to download the following book.

  • Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry
    యేసుక్రీస్తు కేంద్రీకృత యవ్వనస్థుల పరిచర్య

Please visit our "Free Downloads" page to download the following book.

  • Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry
    یسوع پر مرکو ز
    جوانوں میں خدمت