Free Downloads

Reach Out offers a variety of valuable resources for ministry to the younger generation. Select from these Free Resources, or go to Shop for the complete selection of Reach Out resources.

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To download the PDF or PowerPoint files, right click on “Download” then select “Open” or “Print.”

Resources by Barry St. Clair unless otherwise indicated


By Language


  • An Awesome Way to Pray - Leaders Guide - Download
  • An Awesome Way to Pray - Students Guide - Download
  • Building Leaders Book 1 - A Personal Walk with Jesus Christ - Download
  • Building Leaders Book 2 - A Vision For Life and Ministry - Download
  • Building Leaders Book 3 - Essential Tools for Leading Students - Download
  • Jesus No Equal book - Download
  • Jesus No Equal Journal - Download
  • Jesus No Equal Leaders Guide - Download
  • JFYM - English - Download
  • Leading Edge - For Adult Volunteers - Download
  • Leading Edge - For Students - Download
  • Leading Edge - For Trip Leaders - Download
  • Life Happens Get Ready -Teenagers - Download
  • Life Happens Help Your Teenager Get Ready - Parents - Download
  • Moving Toward Maturity 1A - Getting Started (For New Believers) - Download
  • MTM - Moving Toward Maturity Leader’s Guide (Full length) - Download
  • MTM Book - Practical Steps for Disciple-Making (A BRIEF “Moving Toward Maturity Leader’s Guide”) - Download
  • MTM Book 1 - Following Jesus - Download
  • MTM Book 2 - Time Alone with God Notebook (Companion to Spending Time Alone with God) - Download
  • MTM Book 2- Spending Time Alone with God - Download
  • MTM Book 3 - Making Jesus Lord - Download
  • MTM Book 4 - Giving Away Your Faith - Download
  • MTM Book 5 - Influencing Your World - Download
  • Parent Fuel BOOK - Download
  • Parent Fuel Destiny Deciders - Download
  • Parent Fuel JOURNAL - Download
  • Parent Fuel LEADER'S GUIDE - Download
  • Parent Fuel Participants Guide - Download
  • Penetrating the Campus - Download
  • Taking Your Campus for Christ - Download
  • The Magnet Effect - Download

  • Jesus-Focus Youth Ministry
    ላይ ትኩረት ያደረገ የወጣቶች አገልግሎት - Download
  • Building Leaders Series
    የግንባታ መሪዎች ተከታታይ
    • A Vision for Life and Ministry
      ሇህይወት እና ሇአገሌግልት የሚሆን ራዕይ - Download

  • Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry
    خدمة الشباب التي تركز على يسوع - Download
    Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry Forum PowerPoint
    خدمة الشباب التي تركز على يسوع PowerPoint - Download
    Moving Toward Maturity Series (7 Books)
    التحرك نحو النضج
         Getting Started
          ابدء - Download
         Following Jesus
         يتبع يسوع - Download
         Spending Time Alone with God
         قضاء الوقت وحده مع الله - Download
         Making Jesus Lord
          جعل يسوع رباً - Download
         Giving Away Your Faith
          نقل إيمانك - Download
          Influencing Your World
          التأثير على عالمك - Download
          Time Alone with God Notebook
          الوقت وحده مع الله الدفتري - Download
    Building Leaders Series (3 Books)
    بناء القادة 
          A Personal Walk with Jesus
          نزهة شخصية مع يسوع المسيح - Download
           A Vision For Life and Ministry
          رؤية للحياة والخدمة - Download
           Essential Tools for Leading Students
           أدوات أساسية لجعل الطلاب - Download

  • Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry
    Հիսուսը կենտրոնացրեց երիտասարդության ծառայությունը - Download
    Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry Forum PowerPoint
    Հիսուսը կենտրոնացրեց երիտասարդության ծառայությունը PowerPoint - Download

  • Jesus-Focus Youth Ministry
    যিশু যুব মন্ত্রককে কেন্দ্র করে - Download
    Building Leaders Series
    যিশু যুব মন্ত্রককে কেন্দ্র করে 
          A Personal Walk with Jesus
          যিশুখ্রিষ্টের সাথে ব্যক্তিগত হাঁটাচলা - Download
          A Vision for Life and Ministry
          জীবন ও মন্ত্রণালয়ের জন্য একটি দৃষ্টিভঙ্গি -
    Moving Toward Maturity Series
    পরিপক্কতা সিরিজের দিকে সরানো
           Following Jesus
           যিশুর অনুসরণ - Download  
            Getting Started
            শুরু হচ্ছে - Download

  • Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry
    وزارت جوانان متمرکز بر عیسی - Download
    Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry PowerPoint
    وزارت جوانان متمرکز بر عیسی PowerPoint - Download
    Moving Toward Maturity Series
    حرکت به سمت بلوغ
         Following Jesus
  •       به دنبال عیسی - Download
          Getting Started
          شروع شدن - Download

  • Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry
    Un Ministere de Jeunesse Centre Sur Jesus
  • Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry Forum PowerPoint
  • Building Leaders Series (3 Books)
    • A Personal Walk with Jesus Christ
      Marcher Avec Jesus-Christ
    • A Vision for Life and Ministry
      Saisir la Vision
    • Essential Tools for Leading Students
      Devenir un Leader
  • Moving Toward Maturity Series (7 Books)
    • Leaders’ Guide
      Guide du Leader
    • Getting Started
      Partir Du Bon Pied
    • Following Jesus
      A la suite de Jésus
    • Spending Time Alone with God
      Découvrir L'Intimité avec Dieu
    • Making Jesus Lord
      Faire de Jésus Son Seigneur
    • Giving Away Your Faith
      Partager sa Foi
    • Influencing Your World
      Marquer son Entourage

  • Jesus-Focus Youth Ministry
    Jesus im Fokus - Download
  • Jesus No Equal Book
    Meet Jesus - Download
  • Jesus No Equal Journal
    Meet Jesus - Download
  • Building Leaders
    • Building Leaders 1
      Teil 1 - Mit Jesus Christus Leben - Download
    • Building Leaders 2
      Teil 2 - Eine Vision Für Das Leben Und Den Dienst - Download
    • Building Leaders 3
      Teil 3 - Wichtige Werkzeuge Für Jugendleiter - Download
  • Moving Toward Maturity
    • MTM - Getting Started
      Jesus Starter Kit - Download
    • MTM Leader's Guide
      Als Christ geistlich wachsen - Download
    • MTM Practical Guide to Disciple Making
      Praktische Schritte, wie man Jünger macht - Download
    • MTM 1 - Following Jesus
      Jesus nachfolgen - Download
    • MTM 2 - Spending Time Alone With God
      Zeit mit Gott verbringen - Download
    • MTM 3 - Making Jesus Lord
      Jesus – mein Herr - Download
    • MTM 4 - Giving Away Your Faith
      Meinen Glauben weiter-geben - Download
    • MTM 5 - Influencing Your Word
      Meine Umwelt beein-flussen - Download

  • Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry
    यीशु-केत युवा सेवकाई - Download

  • Jesus-Focus Youth Ministry
    Jézus Központú Ifjúsági Szolgálat - Download
  • Building Leaders 1-3
    Vezetés - Download
  • MTM Leader's Guide
    Vezetöi könyv - Download
  • Moving Toward Maturity
    • MTM 1 - Following Jesus
      Kövesd Jézust! - Download
    • MTM 2 - Spending Time Alone With God
      Legyen egyedul-I stennel toltott ido“d! - Download
    • MTM 3 - Making Jesus Lord
      Tedd Urra Jezust - Download
    • MTM 4 - Giving Away Your Faith
      Beszélj hitedről másoknak - Download
    • MTM 5 - Growing On
      NÖVEKEDJ - Download

  • Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry
    Yesu yibanze ku murimo w'urubyiruko - 

  • Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry
    येशू युवा मंत्रालय केन्द्रित - Download
  • Building Leaders Series
    बिल्डिंग लीडर श्रृंखला 
         A Personal Walk with Jesus
          येशू ख्रीष्टको साथ व्यक्तिगत हिंड्न - Download
          A Vision for Life and Ministry
          जीवन र सेवकाई लागि विजन - Download
          Essential Tools for Leading Students
          अग्रणी विद्यार्थीहरूको लागि आवश्यक उपकरणहरू -
            • Moving Toward Maturity Series
              परिपक्वता तर्फ सर्दै
                      Spending Time Alone with God 
                      परमेश्वरसँग एक्लै समय बिताउनु - Download

  • Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry
    Ministério Juvenil Focado em Jesus - Download
    Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry Form PowerPoint
    Ministério Juvenil Focado em Jesus Power Point -

  • Jesus-Focus Youth Ministry
    Lucrarea De Tineret Focalizatã Pe Isus - Download
  • Building Leaders 1-3
    Conducere - Download
  • MTM Leader's Guide
    Ghidul Liderului - Download
  • Moving Toward Maturity
    • MTM - Getting Started
      Pornind la drum - Download
    • MTM 1 - Following Jesus
      Pe urmele lui Isus - Download
    • MTM 2 - Spending Time Alone With God
      Timpul de părtășie cu Dumnezeu - Download
    • MTM 3 - Making Jesus Lord
      Făcându-L pe Isus Domn - Download
    • MTM 4 - Giving Away Your Faith
      Împărtășirea credinței - Download
    • MTM 5 - Influencing Your Word
      Cum să influențezi lumea din jurul tău - Download

  • Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry
    Молодежное служение, ориентированное на Иисуса
  • Building Leaders Series (3 Books)
    Серия "Строительные лидеры"
    • A Personal Walk with Jesus Christ
      Личная прогулка с Иисусом Христом
    • A Vision for Life and Ministry
      Видение жизни и служения
    • Essential Tools for Leading Students
      Основные инструменты для ведущих студентов
  • Moving Toward Maturity Series (7 books)
    Движение к зрелости
    • Leaders’ guide
      Руководство лидера
    • Getting Started
    • Following Jesus
      Следуя за Иисусом
    • Spending Time Alone with God
      Проводить время наедине с Богом
    • Making Jesus Lord
      Делая Иисуса Господом
    • Giving Away Your Faith
      Отдавая свою веру
    • Influencing Your World
      Влияя на ваш мир
  • Jesus No Equal
    Иисус не равный
  • Magnet Effect
    Магнитный эффект
  • Parent Fuel
    Родительский огонь

  • Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry
    Ministerio Cristo Centrico Para Jovenes -Download
  • Jesus No Equal
    Un Jesus Sin Igual -Download
  • Jesus No Equal--Journal
    Un Jesus Sin Igual: Diario -Download
  • Moving Toward Maturity Series
    • Getting Started
      En Sus Marcas! Listos! -Download
    • Following Jesus
      Siguiendo a Jesús -Download
    • Spending Time Alone with God
      Pasando Tiempo a Solas con Dios -Download
    • Making Jesus Lord
      Haciendo a Jesus Senor -Download
    • Giving Away Your Faith
      Compartiendo tu Fe -Download
    • Influencing Your World
      Influyendo en Tu Mundo -Download
  • Essential Tools for Leading Students
    Herramientas Esenciales Para Líderes de Jóvenes -Download

  • Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry
    Huduma ya Vijana iliyolenga Yesu
  • Building Leaders Series
    • A Personal Walk with Jesus Christ
      Mtembeo Wa Kibinafsi Na Yesu Kristo
    • Essential Tools for Leading Students
      Zana Muhimu Za Kuwaelekezea Wanafunzi
  • Moving Toward Maturity Series
    • Practical Steps to Disciple Making
      Hatua Za Kiutendaji Za Kuwafuasa Wanafunzi
    • Following Jesus
      Kumfuata Yesu
    • Spending Time Alone with God
      Kwuatkuamtiai Peke Yako Na Mungu
    • Making Jesus Lord
      Kumfanya Yesu Kuwa Bwana
    • Giving Away Your Faith
      Kuishiriki Imani Yako
    • Influencing Your World
      Kuuathiri Ulimwengu Wako

  • Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry
    యేసుక్రీస్తు కేంద్రీకృత యవ్వనస్థుల పరిచర్య - Download

  • Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry
    یسوع پر مرکو ز
    نوجوانوں میں خدمت --Download

To shop for resources on our online store, click here.

Video Messages

Video messages by Barry St. Clair unless otherwise indicated.

Radio Interviews

To listen to the MP3 files on an Apple device, click on the speaker icon. To download the MP3 file on an Apple device, hold down the Ctrl key and click on the speaker icon. When using MS Windows, click on the speaker icon to open a dialogue window with options to save or play the file. If the dialogue window does not open, right click on the speaker icon and select “Save Link As…” to save the file.

Family Life Today interviews with Barry, Dennis Rainey and Bob Lupine – Part 1 
The Quest for Freedom

Family Life Today interviews with Barry, Dennis Rainey and Bob Lupine – Part 2 
I Am Not You

Family Life Today interviews with Barry, Dennis Rainey and Bob Lupine – Part 3 
Helping Your Children Love Jesus More

Family Life Today interviews with Barry, Dennis Rainey and Bob Lupine – Part 4 
The Prayer of a Helpless Parent

Family Life Today interviews with Barry, Dennis Rainey and Bob Lupine – Part 5 
Connecting With Your Kids

HomeWord Radio with Barry and Jim Burns – Part 1 

HomeWord Radio with Barry and Jim Burns – Part 2 

Moody Radio interview with Barry and Wayne Shepherd 

Note: If you are having trouble listening to the audio files above you may need to install Windows Media Player (for Windows users), Quicktime (for Mac and Firefox users) or some other media player on your computer. You can install either of them by clicking one of the icons at the bottom of the page.


Articles by Barry St. Clair unless otherwise indicated.

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Audio Downloads

AudioTo listen to the MP3 files on an Apple device, click on the speaker icon. To download the MP3 file on an Apple device, hold down the Ctrl key and click on the speaker icon. When using MS Windows, click on the speaker icon to open a dialogue window with options to save or play the file. If the dialogue window does not open, right click on the speaker icon and select “Save Link As…” to save the file.

Audio messages by Barry St. Clair unless otherwise indicated


  • A Potential Youth Movement in America – 

  • Sessions 1 & 2 – See the Big Picture / Pray with Passion – 
  • Session 3 – Go Deeper with Christ – 
  • Session 4 – Build Leaders – 
  • Session 5 – Disciple Leaders – 
  • Session 6 – Penetrate the Campus – 
  • Session 7 – Create Outreach Opportunities – 

  • God is Great 
  • God is Good  
  • God is King  

  • Disciple-Making: The Journey Inward & Journey Outward 
  • Disciple-Making: The Lost Art 
  • Disciple-Making: The Big Picture 
  • Disciple-Making: From the Heart 
  • Disciple-Making: Through Relationships 
  • Disciple-Making: Structured for Maximum Influence 
  • Disciple-Making: Tools 
  • Making the Investment 
  • Internal Disciple-Making
  • Outward Disciple-Making 
  • The Lost Art of Disciple-Making
  • Real Men Make Disciples 

  • Under the Waterline – Part 1 – 
  • Under the Waterline – Part 2 – 

  • Dangerous Leadership – 
  • Barriers to Dangerous Leadership – 
  • Facing & Dealing with Life’s Disappointments – Dave Busby –
  • Falling Passionately in love with Jesus – Dave Busby – 
  • Becoming Change Leaders – Dave Busby – 
  • The Friendship and the Fear – Louie Giglio – 

  • When God is First in Your Family – Lamar Slay – 
  • Seeing Your Kids Through the Gospel Prism – Barry St. Clair – 
    • Parent Fuel Presentation - Barry St. Clair
  •     Parents Aren't Perfect 
  •     Parents are Called by God  
  •     Tapping into God's Resources 
  •     Invest in Your Kids and Their Friends 
  •     Motivate Your Kids to Love God
  •     It's Not About Rules, It's About a
  •     Relationship

  • Connecting with God – 
  • Embracing Jesus – 
  • Hurdles that Hinder – 
  • Taking a Snapshot of Jesus – 
  • Taking Jesus to Your Campus – 

  • Who am I? – 
  • Where am I going? – 
  • How am I going to get there? – 

  • Expanding Your Influence – 
  • Leaving a Legacy – 
  • The Indispensable Grace of God – Dave Busby – 
  • The Empowering Presence of God – Dave Busby – 
  • Personal Renewal – Dave Busby – 

  • Dive Deep Into Discipleship – Part 1 – 
  • Dive Deep Into Discipleship – Part 2 – 

  • The Gospel is Better Than We Ever Imagined – 
  • How Do We Influence Kids With The Gospel? – 

Note: If you are having trouble listening to the audio files above you may need to install Windows Media Player (for Windows users), Quicktime (for Mac and Firefox users) or some other media player on your computer. You can install either of them by clicking one of the icons at the bottom of the page.


Audio messages by Randy Riggins


  • A Common Journey - 
  • God Revealed - 
  • Holiday Preparations - 
  • The Art of Failing Forward - 
  • The First Constitution - 

  • Wise Up -

  • Ask, Seek, Knock - 
    • Covenants and Oaths - 

  • Boxed In - 
  • Evidence of a Life Lived in the Epicenter - 
  • Life by Design - 
  • Operation Clean Sweep - 
  • Reactions to the Resurrection - 
  • RSVP (respondez s'il vous plait) - 
  • Run the Play - 
  • The Indestructible Unlimited Life - 
  • The Winning Team - 
  • What a Waste - 

  • Exploring...The Heart of God - 
  • Run the Play...In Spite of the Bathroom Cabinet -

  • Follower or Fan - 
  • Throw in the Towel - 

  • Viral Acts 1 - 
  • Viral Acts 5--Unstoppable - 

  • Dance With the One Who Brought You - 
  • Galatians 2--Which Party Guest are You - 
  • It's Time to Drive - 
  • It's Your Serve... - 
  • Run Up the Stairs - 

  • Ceremonial or Central - 

  • Bringing the Trophy Home - 
  • Good to Great - 
  • Marriage and the _S_ word - 
  • Max Out Our Influence - 
  • Mother's Day Card - 
    The 10-30 Window -  

  • Beyond - 
    Evites to Earrings -  
  • Impress and Invest - 
  • Pick Up the Mat - 
    Today's Jesus Movement -
    True Stories and False Narratives -
  • Your Kairos Moment - 
  • Your Mission – Should You Choose To Accept It - 

  • A Case for Hope - 
  • A Day in the Life or A Daily Life - 
  • A Disturbance in the Force - 
  • A Father's Day Like No Other - 
  • Accepted - 
  • All by Myself - 
  • Behold the Lamb of God - 
  • Blockbuster Worship - 
  • Candles - 
  • Commanded Toward Contentment - 
  • Cultural Clichés or Kingdom Character -
  • Electrostatic or Eternal - 
  • Faith Part 2 - 
  • Faith - 
  • Finding Our Place at the Waterpark - 
  • Halfway - 
  • Heroes - Impacting Eternity A Hero's Mindset -
  • Heroes - Impacting Eternity - 
  • His Name - 
  • Humility--The Vase - 
  • I'm Hooked - 
  • Inside the Heart of a Worshipper - 
  • Keep a Thankful Heart - 
  • Living Inside Out - 
  • Living Thankful - 
  • Melo - 
  • Mr. Greedy, Meet Mr. Generosity - 
  • My Chosen Slice of Life - II - 
  • Now What - 
  • On Loan From God - 
  • Real Faith, Part IV - 
  • Redeeming Hope - 
  • Search and Rescue - 
  • Swing for the Fences - 
  • The Affordable Soul Care Act of 2016 - 
  • The Danger of Drifting - 
  • The King's Speech - Conversation in the Kingdom - 
  • The King's Speech II - 
  • The Man, The Movement, The Message - 
  • The Meaning of Life--One Ride, One Reason, One Response - 
  • The Missing Ingredient - 
    The One Whom the Son Sets Free -
  • Transcendence - 
  • Upgrade Regret - 
  • Upside Down, Part 2 - 
  • Upside Down - 
  • When the Spin Doctor Meets Jesus - 
  • Why are We at Church...Because... - 
  • Worship - Anchored in Christ - 


Claim Your Campus
Claim Your Campus unites students in prayer for their schools every day.

Dare2Share is committed to mobilizing teenagers on every one of the 67,342 high school and middle school campuses in America focusing on THE Cause of making disciples who make disciples.

EverySchool is dedicated to the millions of students, youth leaders and concerned adults whose heart desire is to reach out to the high school and middle school students in their communities.

Interlinc connects the resources of the Christian music industry with the needs of your youth ministry.

National Network of Youth Ministries
NNYM unites youth workers and national ministries to reach teenagers.

Youthmark offers mission experiences and training that then extends to the other 51 weeks of the year and empowers students to a life of ministry.

Our Shop

Select from these Free Resources, or go to Shop for the complete selection of Reach Out resources.